New Community hosted its 26th Golfing for a Cause fundraiser on Oct. 5 to benefit its Youth Services Department and the Monsignor Linder Scholarship Fund. Supporters gathered at Cedar Hill Golf and Country Club in Livingston for 18 holes of golf and networking, along with an evening reception that included cocktail hour, dinner and raffle prizes.
New Community Board Chairman Dr. A. Zachary Yamba thanked everyone involved.
“To those who have sponsored this event, to the players, to the various donors and all the supporters we’ve had, we can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for us,” he said.
New Community Board Member and Golf Committee Co-Chair Edgar Nemorin also expressed appreciation to sponsors, donors and staff members.
“As the old saying goes, it takes a village. And our continued success is based on our village,” he said.
New Community Chief Executive Officer Simone Gagneron talked about how New Community has been changing lives for more than 55 years and is able to continue reaching 10,000 individuals each year thanks to ongoing support. She thanked all event sponsors, particularly Platinum Sponsors HUB International, Philadelphia Insurance and Withum.
“Early on in this planning process, you supported NCC. You said whatever NCC needs, we’re here for you. And we thank you and appreciate you for that,” she said.
HUB International Senior Vice President Bill Passarotti said it’s an honor to support the organization.
“I’m really passionate about what New Community does so it makes it so much easier as a partner when we believe in your mission to rally behind you,” he said.
Richard Rohrman, who retired from the position of CEO at New Community in 2021, served as the evening program’s emcee. He talked about the impact the Monsignor Linder Scholarship Fund has on young people’s future. The scholarship helps send students to Catholic and private schools to give them a strong educational foundation and encourage them to continue on to college.
“It’s really changed lives,” he said of the scholarship fund named after New Community founder Monsignor William J. Linder.
Students from New Community’s Youth Services Teen Enrichment Network (T.E.N.) were in attendance and assisted with handing out raffle prizes during the reception. The T.E.N. program is designed for high school students to promote positive behavior, develop career awareness and assist with college readiness. The Youth Services Department also provides after school programs and summer camp for Newark youth, along with a variety of events for families, including a Back 2 School Jam, Halloween Party, Breakfast with Santa and family dances.
New Community thanks everyone who participated in this year’s Golfing for a Cause and encourages everyone to save the date for next year’s event, which will take place on Sept. 23, 2024 at Cedar Hill Golf and Country Club.
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Thank You to Our Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors:
HUB International
Philadelphia Insurance
Silver Sponsors:
Activa Rehabilitation
Cali Carting
Ferry Carpets
Goldman Sachs
Schenck Price
Silva’s Mechanical Services
Cart Sponsors:
The Blau & Berg Company
Greystone Affordable Development
Human Edge
Raina Trucking, LLC
Beverage Sponsors:
Birdsall Plumbing
Newark Cabinets
Ooma Inc.
Scholarship Benefactor:
Scholarship Donors:
JCT Solutions