Integration of Services

New Community Corporation offers a myriad of services for individuals of all ages in its mission to help residents of inner cities improve the quality of their lives to reflect individual God-given dignity and personal achievement. NCC is uniquely equipped to integrate services to best help individuals and families.
NCC offers more than just a roof over the heads of the people living in its more than 1,800 housing units. Resident Services staff members connect individuals and families to appropriate services, including the Emergency Food Pantry, the Family Resource Success Center and Family Service Bureau of Newark (FSB). Staff members also inform residents in need about New Community Extended Care Facility, where they can go for short-term rehabilitation or long-term stays.
Opportunities to further residents’ education are also available. New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI) offers training and nationally recognized credentials so graduates can obtain living wage jobs in in-demand sectors. The school also offers a High School Equivalency program for those ages 16 to 24 and a Financial Opportunity Center to help students and the community at large improve their credit scores and budget for future purchases. The Adult Learning Center provides several programs for those ages 16 and older, including High School Equivalency and English for Speakers of Other Languages. Some students who obtain their high school diploma at the Adult Learning Center go on to NCCTI for certification training.
NCC’s Health and Human Services Department provides integrated behavioral health care to individuals and families in order to nurture and improve their social, emotional and physical wellbeing, and to aid them in overcoming barriers to achieving self-sufficiency in all aspects of life. It aims to provide holistic care that includes both direct service and collaborative work with many partners. Residents of Harmony House, NCC’s transitional housing facility for homeless families, are evaluated by staff members of FSB and can receive counseling at the mental health agency which is located right next door. Supportive Assistance for Individuals and Families (SAIF), which provides intensive case management to those reaching their limit for public assistance, is also available. The Youth Services Department offers a free after school program for children at Harmony House and also welcomes them for summer camp.
The Health and Human Services Department works closely with Rutgers to provide primary care and mental health services to residents. It works with Collaborative Support Programs of New Jersey (CSPNJ) to ensure guests of Better Life, who are homeless, receive the necessary services.
NCC provides child care options that residents can utilize. Many Harmony House families send their children to Harmony House Early Learning Center, which cares for infants and toddlers and prepares students for kindergarten. NCC also offers Community Hills Early Learning Center. Both centers work with The Leaguers, Inc. to participate in the Head Start Early Learning Program.
The Family Resource Success Center serves as an information and referral hub for NCC’s services. Individuals can visit the center and learn more about the programs available to them. Personnel refer people for many NCC services, including housing, financial counseling, training, health services and mental health counseling.