New Community Corporation has steadfastly remained true to its mission of improving the quality of life for inner city residents since 1968. Take time to learn more about some of the people whose lives have been positively impacted by New Community:

New Community Security Officer Administers Narcan to Men in Need

New Community Security personnel protect the organization’s property, residents and clients. But they sometimes go beyond that scope to help those in need. Security Officer Satoya Williams recently administered Narcan, a drug used to reverse an opioid overdose, to three men in the parking lot of an NCC residence while waiting for paramedics to arrive. Williams was on duty at Commons Senior, 140 South Orange Ave., Newark, on Nov. 17 when a resident informed her that two men were lying on the ground in the building’s parking lot. Her first instinct was to bring Narcan with her when she went outside to investigate. “One of the guys was completely out and the other one was going down so I knew

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New Community Extended Care Connects Patient to Resources During Short Stay

Newark resident Vivian Ray was having difficulty walking and pain in her hands. After a brief stay at the hospital, she needed physical therapy in an in-patient facility. She chose to come to New Community Extended Care Facility for services. A little over a month later, she was able to return home after making great progress. Ray said she couldn’t walk and needed help strengthening her legs and hands. Her condition caused her to stay at University Hospital for a short time. The hospital recommended that she receive physical therapy at Extended Care to help in her recovery. She agreed and came to the facility on Sept. 9. Ray called the physical therapy she received at Extended Care “fabulous.” “I’ve come a

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Extended Care Facility Helps New Community Resident Return Home

Following a hospital stay, Dorine Edwards needed rehabilitation and physical therapy to strengthen her arms and legs. She has severe arthritis in her legs and a hole in her spine. She chose to come to New Community Extended Care Facility for services. After two months and two weeks at the skilled nursing facility, Edwards was able to return home to New Community Commons Senior. Edwards was familiar with Extended Care prior to entering the facility on March 27. She had been a patient at Extended Care in 2021 receiving similar rehabilitation and physical therapy. She had good experiences for both of her stays. “It’s nice here,” she said. “I like everything.” When University Hospital gave Edwards the choice of several places to

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New Community Career & Technical Institute Celebrates Graduates

New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI) hosted graduation on June 14 at Monsignor William J. Linder Plaza, 233 West Market St., Newark. Students who completed the Automotive Technician, Building Trades Specialist, Culinary Arts Specialist, Medical Assistant Clinical and Patient Care Technician programs were honored during the ceremony.  New Community Interim Board Chairman Edgar Nemorin congratulated the graduates and thanked them for trusting NCCTI to provide them with the skills needed to start a new career. He also encouraged them to always put in their best effort. “There may be some tasks that might be unsuccessful or challenging, but at least you know in your heart you gave it your all. Control what you can control,” he said. “Be accountable

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New Community Recognizes Employees Who Have Reached Career Milestones

New Community hosted Employee Appreciation Day on March 1, which was National Employee Appreciation Day, to honor and celebrate employees who reached career milestones in 2023. A total of 46 employees were recognized at the event with a combined total of 590 years of service. New Community CEO Simone Gagneron told the honorees that the organization would not be able to fulfill its mission without them. “These milestones do not only represent years of service, but they represent individual lives that you have changed for the better,” she said. “This work would not be possible without your commitment, your dedication and all the results of what you all have presented. NCC would not be possible without you. So we are

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Longtime Security Personnel Reflect on Time at New Community

It’s rare for an individual to stay with a particular company for decades, but there are five members of New Community’s Security Department who have worked for the organization for 30 years or more. Jerome Barrow, William Folsom, Michelle Grier-Porch, Malinda Liptrot and Gerard Mansare have more than 165 years of service to New Community combined. Folsom has the longest tenure with New Community. He will celebrate 40 years as a security officer in August. He has worked mainly in the organization’s residential buildings, with Hudson Senior in Jersey City currently serving as his main post. He started his NCC career at Extended Care where he met his wife who was working in the facility’s kitchen. The couple will celebrate

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New Community Career & Technical Institute Trained Cook Now Works at Extended Care

Stephanie Bere was studying business administration at Essex County College when she realized she didn’t want to work in that field. She has always loved cooking and decided to investigate it as a career option. New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI) helped Bere pursue her passion through training in the Culinary Arts Specialist program. She had a friend who was in NCCTI’s Patient Care Technician program who recommended the accredited school. Bere called NCCTI for more information and enrolled. She was in class from March to September 2021. Bere excelled in the Culinary Arts Specialist program and upon completion, was offered a job at New Community Extended Care Facility. She started in a part-time position in October of 2021

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Harmony House Relocation Case Manager Started as a Volunteer with New Community

Emily Coote has a passion for helping others which she has turned into a career. She first came to New Community as a volunteer while in college, assisting at the Family Resource Success Center. She continued volunteering even after graduation and became a temporary Case Manager at Harmony House, New Community’s transitional housing facility for homeless families, on July 11, 2022. She was made a full-time employee and currently serves as a Relocation Case Manager at Harmony House. Coote focuses on finding permanent housing for Harmony House residents in her current role. She goes out in the field to find apartments and researches as much information as possible about subsidized housing, low-income housing, affordable housing and market rent rates in

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New Community Career & Technical Institute Culinary Arts Students to Focus on Businesses After Graduation

Shawnette Maxwell and Zariyah Derrick both have a passion for cooking that they are hoping to turn into full-time careers. Both have started businesses where they sell their food and both decided to enroll in the Culinary Arts Specialist program at New Community Career & Technical Institute (NCCTI) to enhance their skills and earn a certification to prove their culinary knowledge to future clients. Both women are serious about their culinary careers. They quit their jobs to attend NCCTI and pursue their passion. They both got their start cooking early in life, learning the basics of cooking as children. They found joy in it and knew they wanted to take their skills to the next level. Derrick’s sister and cousin

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From New Community Student to Adult Learning Center Director

Cristhian Barcelos can relate to the students he serves as Director of the New Community Adult Learning Center. He was in their shoes in 2001 when he was a student taking English classes at New Community. From there, he became a volunteer, a computer teacher and ultimately director. In his current role, Barcelos oversees the Adult Learning Center, which offers educational programs to individuals who are 16 and older and out of the school system. Courses include English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), Pre-High School Equivalency (HSE), HSE, Computers and Citizenship. Day, evening and Saturday classes are available for students. In addition to the classes, the Adult Learning Center invites outside agencies to provide services

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