The Community FoodBank of New Jersey’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a free program available to low income seniors in New Jersey who are over 60 years old. Participants receive a box of groceries once a month–including items such as cereal, pasta and canned goods–as well as any fresh fruit and produce available. The FoodBank provided 50 boxes to residents of New Community Gardens Senior in January.
From left: Sister Mary Prisca, care coordinator, Eddie Dias of the Community FoodBank of NJ and Gardens Senior resident Howard Williams.
Eddie Dias, left, the FoodBank’s CSFP coordinator for New Jersey, loads a box onto resident Rosa Irick’s cart.
Food boxes for seniors: The Community FoodBank of New Jersey’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) recently began distributing boxes filled with primarily nonperishable goods to eligible seniors at New Community Gardens Senior.