The New Community Adult Learning Center is offering Nutrition on Wednesdays from Jan. 15 to March 12, 2025.
The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) of Essex County is housed at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Service of Essex County on Washington Street in Newark. Through collaboration with agencies and schools, the EFNEP program provides nutrition education to adult and youth participants at no cost to the participants or agencies. The adult program consists of a series of six to eight one-hour interactive lessons. Participants learn how to make food choices to improve the nutritional quality of the meals they serve their families and how to manage their food budget. They increase their ability to select and buy nutritious foods, gain new skills in food preparation, safety, and sanitation. The hands-on approach to the lessons helps participants gain the practical skill necessary to make positive food behavioral changes.
Participants learn how to read the nutrition food label in the lesson “label me healthy” or how much sugar and salt is in food in lessons such as “How sweet it is” or “Fat Out”.