Both of New Community’s Early Learning Centers are currently registering students for the 2022-2023 school year. Community Hills Early Learning Center (CHELC) and Harmony House Early Learning Center (HHELC) both offer services for children ages 3 months to 4 years old in Newark. They are committed to providing high quality early childhood educational programs that allow children to reach their fullest potential within a rich multicultural setting, focusing on the collaboration between parents, school and the local community.
For more information, see the brochures below or call the centers directly.
Community Hills Early Learning Center (CHELC)
85 Irvine Turner Boulevard
Newark, NJ 07103
Click here for CHELC brochure
Harmony House Early Learning Center (HHELC)
278 South Orange Ave.
Newark, NJ 07103
Click here for HHELC brochure