Extended Care Assistant Director of Activities Yonette Semple gives resident Dorothy Mair a present during Adopt-A-Resident Day.
Extended Care Director of Activities Elizabeth Brookins with resident Oscar Alers who received a new shirt.
Extended Care Director of Nursing Debbie Ogendele gives resident Randy Curry a shirt during Adopt-A-Resident Day.
Sister Elizabeth Lima, chaplain at Extended Care, with resident Otis Williams and clothing he received.
Extended Care resident Sara Dansby excitedly takes a gift during Adopt-A-Resident Day. Unit Manager Eka Ehize, left, and Activity Aid Linda Murphy pose with her.
Marvin Cox shows off some of the shirts he received during Adopt-A-Resident Day with Certified Nursing Assistant Nancy Niimoi.
New Community Extended Care Facility, 266 South Orange Ave., Newark, held its annual Adopt-A-Resident Day, which is meant to show appreciation to residents. Those living in the nursing home received a variety of gifts, including clothes, perfume and cologne May 16.