Editorial By Monsignor William J. Linder
Thank you to everyone who participated in the celebration of New Community Corporation’s 50th anniversary. When I founded New Community, I never dreamed we’d be here this long.
At the time of our founding in 1968, no one had any faith in nonprofits. Growing so large and to the point where we were doing international work amazed me. It was really interesting and worthwhile.
I think the key now is to maintain this organization, making sure it’s going to last. So many people need someone to care about them and that won’t change. We need to keep developing, keeping our mission in mind.
New Community has grown and changed over the years. When we started, I never dreamed of a nursing home. The creation of Extended Care grew from the people expressing the need for such a facility. That kind of adaptability is part of the reason for New Community’s longevity.
Another reason New Community has lasted for 50 years is because so many of the people we cared for became part of the organization. We have developed so many good friends over the years.
My hope for the future is that we continue in our mission and let the mission grow according to whatever the need is.
And that someone will be here celebrating 100 years of New Community.