Save the date for New Community’s 22nd Annual Golf Outing on Tuesday, June 28. The fundraiser event will be held at the majestic Montclair Golf Club in West Orange.
The daylong event, dubbed as “Golfing For A Cause,” raises financial support for New Community education programs, the Monsignor William J. Linder Scholarship Fund and Harmony House, which is NCC’s transitional housing facility for the homeless.
Participants will enjoy a luncheon on the clubhouse patio, followed by an afternoon of friendly competition out on the green. After returning from the golf course, participants will enjoy a cocktail reception and an evening program featuring testimonials from individuals who have benefited from services at New Community that are financially supported by the golf outing.
During the buffet dinner, golfers will also have an opportunity to buy tickets for a 50/50 cash raffle and participate in a silent auction featuring one-of-a-kind items.
To register for the event or for sponsorship information, contact Tracey Battles, philanthropy officer, at 973-497-4414.