Seniors Tour Extended Care Center

Aileen Velez, case manager/marketer for Extended Care, leading members of the South Ward Senior Center on a tour of the facility.
Aileen Velez, case manager/marketer for Extended Care,
leading members of the South Ward Senior Center on a
tour of the facility.

Seniors Tour Extended Care Center

Several groups of seniors recently toured the Extended Care Center, had lunch at the facility and then heard several presentations, including one on hypertension. The represented senior groups were United Vailsburg Service Organization and the South Ward Senior Center. There were also unaffiliated seniors from the Central Ward. Many noted they had no idea the facility offered everything from on-site rehabilitation through Kessler to an Adult Medical Day Care program.

“The people were very cordial and informative and the food was delicious,” said Norma Jones, 68. ” They made it easy for you to ask questions and answered our questions in layman’s terms.” During the presentation on high blood pressure, facility administrator Betty Lawson stressed the importance of exercise and how that helps normalize pressure.

“Exercise does not have to be in a gym,” she said. “Walking is one of the very best exercises you can do.”

Lawson also encouraged the seniors to watch their salt intake. When a senior asked about using natural methods—such as certain foods-to control pressure, Lawson just encouraged her to keep her doctor informed.

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