(Manny) Nunes, owner of the Foreign & Domestic Auto Center in Newark.
NCC Auto Student Drawing Praise During Internship
Before enrolling in New Communit’s Automotive Technician Training Center Program last March, Damien Myles admits he was going no where fast.
“I was just hanging out on the streets,” said Myles, 36, a father of two sons.
But one day while driving past the NCC Workforce Development Center at 201 Bergen St. in Newark, he noticed signs on the building about the various programs. He decided to go inside and it was the best decision he ever made.
“I saw the photos on the wall from the auto program. Fixing cars is something I have always liked to do,” he explained.
Myles found the 12-month automotive program, which meets at NCC’s fully-equipped training center on West Bigelow Street, to be a great learning environment. John Zaccheus, the automotive instructor, called Myles a “good student” who is “on point.” Students in the NCC program, which is supported by Ford Motor Co., get hands-on experience working on real vehicles and must also master computer modules covering a range of automotive technology.
Last November, Myles managed to land an internship through the program at the Foreign and Domestic Auto Center in Newark, located on E. Runyon Street.
“Damian wants to learn everything and I’m very happy to help him,” said Manuel (Manny) Nunes, owner of the auto center.
For instance, Myles dismantled two cars independently shortly after being taught how to do it.
“When you strip the cars, you really find out how everything fits together and works,” he said.
Myles said he likes the “family” atmosphere at the auto center and because it is a small shop, he has been able to gain additional experience in everything from brakes to tune-ups.
“I want to open up my own shop one day,” he said. “That’s my goal.”
Shop owner Manny Nunes said he is prepared to offer Myles at least part-time employment following his graduation from the New Community program this spring.
“Damian is a good worker, dependable and has the skill set to be a great automotive technician,” he said.